Kitchen Garden Guides

Sunday, September 14, 2008




Yesterday I finished packing up the seeds to take on my trip to give to people far and wide. I used Laura's template (from Mas du Diable) and this made things very easy. It seems that there are a couple of requirements to ensuring the packets get into the countries where I am going. Firstly they need to have the botanical names on each and secondly the closer the packaging  resembles commercial seed packets the better. To give a bit of added authority I made a sticker for the front of the large envelope I am carrying them in, saying "SEEDSAVERS AND VEGETABLE GROWERS' CONVENTION, OXFORD UNIVERSITY BOTANIC GARDENS"  and the date..... well, it is isn't it? I have lots more packets than this.....but they were already packed away before I remembered to take a photo.

Tomorrow evening.... Singapore.....see you there....well, you will see me there when I get something to post about.



ps...I made a fabulous chicken dish the other night and have just put it on Gardeners' Gastronomy. Sounds basic but the flavour was extraordinarily good...helped along by Deb's preserved limes, I am sure.The thing that made it superb though was the polenta I cooked to go with it, which was flavoured with lots of left-over bits of good, strong cheeses, including something blue.

Also, Maggie made me delicious pakoras recently too and this is a reminder for her to give us the recipe ASAP!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Great stuff Kate - very clever sounds truly scientific. The seed packets look great. Looking forward to your visit.